Sunday, January 21, 2018

Epiphany 3 January 21, 2018 St Michael and All Angels The Time of Fulfillment is Now

+“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” With these words, it’s clear that John’s prophecy that he must decrease so that Jesus may increase, has come true.
 Jesus has appeared on the scene, ready to take what John had built and… well… turn it inside out and upside down! 
Jesus is telling all in earshot (including us) that the wait is over, the time is now, the Kingdom of God is close and all we have to do is turn ourselves around, go in a new direction, and follow Him. Jesus is saying, “The old way has served us well, but to move ahead, to continue to move forward, we need to change.” 
Change? Who likes change? I mean, when it’s our idea, like changing a hair style, buying a new car, or searching for a new job—when it’s our idea change doesn’t feel so bad. But when someone else tells us it’s time to change, well then change doesn’t always feel so good does it? 
I remember when I told the people at Good Shepherd and Ascension that I had taken this job with the diocese and would be ending my time as their rector…that it was the right time for me to make this change. I had several parishioners tell me—-“well it might be the right time for you, but it certainly isn’t the right time for us!” 
It wasn’t a joint decision that I leave, it wasn’t their idea that I leave, it was my idea, a decision reached after much prayer and conversation with my family and the Bishop.
Most people at those two churches (because let’s face it, there are always folks who aren’t that crazy about the rector and are happy to see them leave!) didn’t like this change one bit. 
I have a hunch some of you may feel the same way about Jack’s departure. It was a private and personal discernment that Jack did. It was the right change for Jack, but not necessarily for you. 
But here’s the thing with change, and discernment and listening to God’s call---it doesn’t always feel right, but it is very often exactly right. 
Maybe it’s the right time for St Michael and All Angels to make a change. Maybe this doesn’t have to be a sad time, maybe it can be an exciting time. 
What’s next for St Michael and All Angels?
Reflect on where Jack led you, reflect on where you were when he arrived and where you are now and instead of asking yourself, “Now what? (Downcast and depressed) ask yourselves, (excited and eager) “Now what!!!”
This is the point of today’s Gospel. Changing, turning in a new direction isn’t comfortable, is often difficult and is rarely boring. 
Which is why we don’t have a priest leave and then immediately put another priest in to take his/her place. We encourage an interim period, a time to get used to the idea of life without “what was” and time to live into what may be, what could be, what will be!
When Jesus came upon the fishermen, Simon (who will become Peter), Andrew, John and James, he invited them to follow him and fish for people. And they, all four of them, immediately dropped their nets, left their old lives and followed him. They were ready to take this chance to turn a new direction, to try something new. 
Several biblical commentators posit that Andrew and Simon, John and James had known Jesus before this encounter and that while they may have been intrigued by him Jesus knew they weren’t ready to follow him then. I believe Jesus knew he wasn’t ready to lead then. So they waited…waited for that time when He would come to them and say, “it’s time.” And when He did, they were ready. They’d waited and when the time came, they were willing, and they were able.
Folks, such is the time for the people of St. Michael and All Angels, this is the time to get ready, to consider what direction you’d like to turn, who you’d  like St Michael’s to be in the coming decade. How will St Michael’s serve her community—-not just those within these walls but those out there--- the hungry, the hurting, the lonely, the searching? 
Right now you don’t know...but in a few months, after you’ve done the work our transition officer will lead you through, you’ll have a better idea of who you are, of who you wish to be as a community. You’ll take time to listen to God, you’ll take time to wrestle with what’s next, but you’ll do the work and you’ll find your way.
My friends, the time is about to be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is near, and your place in it, your role in it is vital. So go forth in peace, knowing that the Spirit of God will lead you to just where it is God needs you to be. 

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