Thursday, September 20, 2007

Walking for a Cure

Even adults need mentors, and I have several who are helping me through this process toward becoming a priest. Of course here at the Cathedral I have Mother Liza and Father Paul, but I also have other priests and deacons (even some bishops!) who support me by sharing their wisdom. One such man is Bill Wipfler who is an associate priest at St. Matthias in East Aurora, NY. Bill's wife Pauline has Alzheimer's disease. She no longer recognizes Bill or any of their children. She cannot feed herself, as this disease has ravaged her mind and now her body. On September 29 I will participate in the Memory Walk to raise money for research in hopes of finding a cure. If you are interested in contributing , walking with me and/or in learning more about the organization, go to

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Cathy's "big" sister, Anne. I think this blog is a wonderful idea and I hope to see comments from lots of "her" kids. But you know, she is right. All kids are "our" kids and all adults are responsible for helping young people make good choices and learn to grow into responsible, caring adults.
    I know Cathy has helped my husband and me raise our kids. Aunt Cathy is one of their most favorite people of all time! I hope all the youth at the cathedral appreciate Cathy's help, love and guidance. But I'm sure you do!
