Tuesday, February 26, 2008

For Parents of Confirmation Kids

I know you all would like a copy of our curriculum. I am not using a curriculum beyond The Book of Common Prayer. All the confirmands have been given their own copy of the BCP and I want them to bring them to class each week. I have emphasized with them that the Confirmation Liturgy is an adult re-affirmation of the Baptismal vows taken on their behalf when they were infants (or young children) To that end we have reviewed what I am calling The Examination portion of the Baptism Liturgy (BCP pages 302, 303). We have defined what each question is actually asking and then tried to answer the questions. It would be useful to review these questions with the kids as their answers (and the struggle to get there) were profound and thoughtful.
We will now embark on an investigation and explanation of the Eucharist.
Please provide me any and all feedback! Thanks.
God's Peace with You All,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great blog, Cathy - it is very helpful to keep up
