Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hi everyone,
Sorry it has been awhile since I posted, school is heading down to the wire so I have been swamped. a few updates:
  • the 30 hour Famine run by the Niagara Youth Group was great. They had a good time and we talked about doing something together with them in the coming year
  • Speaking of lock-ins and overnights, would any of you be interested in doing a lock-in overnight this summer? We would pick a theme, like world hunger, world peace or some other topic and we would do activities related to that topic while staying overnight in the Cathedral. Let me know.
  • Doug Giordano is doing Happening next weekend (May 2-May 4) so we need to reschedule the youth group social gathering. Does May 11 work for folks?
  • On May 4 we will have a newcomer's brunch, if you have any friends who might be interested, bring them that day. We'll have a table just for us and I am preaching that day. Food and a sermon, what more could people want?
  • This Sunday, April 27, Grey, Jeremy and John are serving. Grey does bells, Jeremy serves and John is crucifer.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Several Things

  • The 30 Hour Famine is NEXT weekend. We had a mis-print on our calendar at the Cathedral.
  • I am now on Facebook. I feel like a complete nerd. But there you have it.
  • I think last week's cookout and walk were fabulous--thanks for making it fun.
See you all Sunday! Juliette and Cullen are acolytes at 9 AM.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


We're having a BBQ and croquet. OK, I know it isn't that warm out yet, but let's cook out anyway. Hot Dogs Hamburgers and Veggie Burgers. I'll provide the pop, Ellie already bought the food, so all we need is dessert!