Saturday, September 2, 2017

Funeral Homily for Bud Burns Sept 2, 2017

+Bud Burns knew the Good Shepherd. He knew his Lord and the Lord knew him. On Monday afternoon Aug 21st as Bud took his last breaths, the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, wrapped Bud in his arms and brought him home.
I have no doubt that Bud Burns’ and the Good Shepherd had and have a great relationship. I hope that gives Carol and the rest of the family comfort. I hope it gives all of us who loved Bud, comfort. Comfort in knowing that he never suffered, never worried, was never scared. For Walter J. Bud Burns knew that his redeemer lives and that it was his redeemer who accompanied him on the journey home.
Bud or Budly as I called him, was a child of God. And from the time he was knee high to a grasshopper Bud served God---both formally in his many years as an altar boy and then as an adult a chalice bearer, usher, lector and stalwart member of the Good Shepherd altar guild—and informally as a good and decent man who lived out his baptismal covenant promise to respect the dignity of every human being in all he did.
Now don’t get me wrong, Bud had flaws, he made mistakes and I don’t doubt that he had regrets----we all do----but in the years I knew him, I experienced Bud Burns as a man of integrity, of faith, of joy and above all else, a man who delighted in all things life brought to him. Whether it was sneaking into my office during the Strawberry Festival to share a beer, or talking to our dogs through the rectory windows, or laughing at the heron who kept stealing fish from his koi pond, or exuberantly greeting each and every child who entered this church, or walking across the sanctuary draining the last bit of wine out of the chalice when he was chalice bearer or whether when just about every chair up here was taken one Easter morning and he made himself quite at home in the Bishop’s chair, Bud Burns took delight in life. Just like the Good Shepherd…
…There are many images of Jesus as the Good Shepherd but my favorite is the one that has Jesus walking along with a lamb wrapped around his shoulders, surrounded by children and more sheep with a huge grin on his face. It’s an image of the Good Shepherd experiencing pure and utter delight in the moment. When Carol chose this gospel reading for today, this was the image that immediately popped into my head---but, in my imagination, next to Jesus stood Bud, walking alongside Jesus, a lamb wrapped around his shoulders, children and sheep around his feet and delight—pure and utter delight---shining through his grin.
You see, for so many people….many of us here today…Bud was a type of Good Shepherd. If you were feeling lost or lonely, sad or depressed, Bud would be there with a smile, or a joke, a hug or (often) all three. If you hadn’t been seen around church for awhile when you did return Bud might tease you at first but then he would tell you how much you were missed and how glad he was that you were back. Then there is Jack. Jack is a special needs adult who has been attending Good Shepherd for many years. When Jack would get upset, confused or angry, Bud was often the only person who could calm him down. Bud also encouraged Jack, protected Jack and loved Jack.
Yes, Bud Burns was Good Shepherd’s resident Good Shepherd. Quick with an act of incredible kindness, the first to bring a smile to your face and someone who would throw his head back and laugh alongside you. That was our Bud.
I loved Bud Burns…even if he was a Yankee fan.
I loved Bud Burns because every single time I found myself caught up in the bramble of life, me I felt overwhelmed or confused or sad as soon as I saw Bud and got my hug and my kiss, everything EVEYTHING was ok.
There was something about the essence of Bud. He exuded playfulness and joy. For those of you who don’t know, Bud and Carol met when Carol sold his house. She had a couple who lingered in the house for a long while, deciding whether this was the one they would buy. As she waited for this couple Carol says she just absorbed his spirit. What a beautiful thing….and I get it….for Bud had a spirit unlike any other---a spirit of peace, of joy, of hope and of light.
The world needs the likes of Bud Burns---kind, thoughtful, funny, irreverent and loyal---- and this world will miss him dearly. But in sure and certain hope of the resurrection we know that we will once again be graced by his presence on the last day. Until then Bud,  keep ‘em laughing at the heavenly banquet. We promise to carry on your spirit in all that we do…laughing at the absurdity of life, embracing the joy of life, and making sure that your dear beloved Carol is cared for….forever AND ever.
 Rest in peace, good and faithful servant. Job well done!
And thank you for being our Good Shepherd. Amen.

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